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Bossier City Police are warning residents that an old scam that targets elderly citizens and the unsuspecting is back proving that even when it comes to theft, what's old becomes new again...

I don't know about you, but this scam feels personal. My mother is a huge fan of Publisher's Clearing House. She enters every single drawing and even orders every third time she enters to make sure she has a chance at the prize. As you probably know, the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes targets an older demographic... like my mother.

In another shocker, I'm sure you know that scammers are always looking for a way to steal your hard-earned money. This time, it's an old scam that has been recycled for use again according to Bossier City Police. Scammers are sending folks a 'Publisher's Clearing House' check for a large amount of money that looks real. Then, the scammers will provide a name and phone number to establish communication. Once communication is established, they advise the victim that before they deposit the check they must first send money to cover the taxes and other fees for the FDIC... and that's where they get you.

Read More: How Often Are Folks From Louisiana Targeted for Scams, ID Theft? 

Bossier City Police say that the FDIC has not and won't ever require a citizen at any time to send money. They also add that this is not a legitimate prize through Publishing Clearing House. The latest local victim was taken for over $32,000. The Bossier City Police Department reiterates that citizens should never send money to get money.

Always take a pause when you encounter anything suspicious and ask yourself, would this company, government entity, or law enforcement agency operate in this manner? If the answer is no or you are unsure, hang up or press delete. Be safe out there!

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