Shreveport residents struggle with soaring grocery prices. Grocery prices are at an all-time high, leaving Shreveport residents feeling the pinch. Many of us are opting for drive-thru meals to avoid the high cost of cooking at home, only to face sticker shock when fast food "value meals" hit $15. Do you remember when going out didn't require wincing at the price tag? Now, even our favorite dinner spots are becoming less affordable as prices rise.

Did You Know More Than Half of Shreveport Residents Live in Abject Poverty?

Can the recent inflation be driving that number higher? Are we changing up the grocery stores we normally shop to be able to save a dollar here and there? According to the latest U.S. Census data, of the 184,021 people that lived in Shreveport, LA in 2021, 24.5% of the population lived in poverty, which is defined as having a household income of less than $12,880 for one person. These numbers don't account for what the average American calls the "working poor". With statistics like this, how can a city like Shreveport have one of the most expensive grocery stores in America?

Via Google Maps
Via Google Maps

How Does the Most Expensive Store in America Thrive in a City Like Shreveport? revealed the most overpriced grocery stores in America and a store that thrives in Shreveport made the list. Are we surprised that Whole Foods topped the list? claims; "There’s a reason why Whole Foods is often referred to as “Whole Paycheck.” Since being founded in 1980, Whole Foods has earned a reputation for being one of the most overpriced grocery stores in the country. It’s faced scandal after scandal, from selling a bottle of water with three stalks of asparagus for $6, to their former CEO blaming America’s obesity crisis on “making poor choices” and “ignorance.”

Remember when we thought that Amazon would help our pocketbooks? In 2017, Amazon purchased Whole Foods but prices haven't changed.


The Top 10 Reasons I Hate Driving on I-20 in Bossier City

The road construction work on I-20 in Bossier City, LA has people in fits! These are the 10 things we hate most about the repair work.

Best Chips and Salsa in Shreveport